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Welcome to Fulbright College Academic Services! 


Academic Advising is currently by appointment.

To schedule an appointment:

  1. Find your current advisor in your UA Connect account, under Degree Audit.
  2. Find their advising information on our Meet the Team page.
  3. Schedule through your advisor's UA Success Calendar.

Click here to for a guide to walk you through that process. 

New Transfer Student?  Follow the steps on our New Transfer website.

Changing from another U of A College to Fulbright?  Follow the steps on our College Changers website.

Quick Questions? Try our Advisor On Call!

Advisor On Call will be closed on Thursday (4/25), Friday (4/26), and Monday (4/29).

Fulbright College Advising Services has an advisor on call each weekday between 9 am and 3 pm.  Sign-in at the Welcome Desk in the CORD

NOTE: This is for quick questions only and not full advising sessions.  

Example Quick Questions:
I am struggling in this class.  Should I drop?
I am not a Fulbright student, but I am thinking about changing to a Fulbright major.  How do I get started?


Looking for Honors Advising?

Please visit the Fulbright Honors website for advising options.


Starting in Fall 2024, the University of Arkansas course number will change to a new format, with an extra digit.  While most course numbers will be very similar, some may change completely.  

More information here. 

Note: Summer 2024 course numbrs will remain the same.


 Changing out of Fulbright?

This guide can help schedule with an advisor from another college.